Everyone need to understand that we all possess two primordial energies, one male, one female, sperm, egg, father and mother, and we often tend to associate feminine energy exclusively with women and masculine energy with men.

The truth is that all people regardless of gender have both energies within them because we all come from a feminine and a masculine background.

In Chinese medicine, for example, it is believed that polarities are opposite, but also complementary, YIN represents the feminine, which is characterized by the qualities of receptivity, intuition, rest, silence, the feminine, is associated with fresh, soft and peaceful energy, the YANG represents the masculine which is characterized as action, movement, strength, assertiveness and is associated with dynamic, intense and warm energy.

To maintain health and balance, it is essential that we have an adequate balance between these two polarities, the feminine and masculine are interconnected and depend on each other for harmonious functioning, when there is an imbalance between these polarities, we have problems of physical and emotional health, for example, excess male energy can lead to symptoms such as stress, anxiety, agitation, candidiasis and ovarian problems, on the other hand excess female energy can present symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness, lack of motivation, depression, uterine problems and lack of libido.

We live in this culture that is predominantly masculine and therefore finds it difficult to connect with the feminine, but this is essential for us women, because the feminine in most of us is forgotten and this is reflected in our gynaecological health, the feminine goes beyond what the know, it brings this aspect of its softness, receptivity, intuition, silence, aspects that allow us to feel contact with the inner world, with the body, which is why cleaning the uterus, Yoni Massage, Yoni Egg, Yoni Mapping are tools and an essential part of your healing.

These will be moments of your intimate healing to internalize yourself, when we are immersed in the world, in the masculine way of living we become rational, wanting to understand everything, seeking explanations for everything and on the other hand the feminine in us deals very lightly with ambiguity recognizing that we are all rational and irrational, Moon shadow, and this is part of life just like day, night, winter, summer, autumn, winter, this exists within each human being, when we connect with our true feminine essence, we understand that we cannot be just one thing and that’s ok, for this to happen it is necessary to give up control, although it is tempting for us to be controlling because that gives us the feeling of power alone that this illusion is not real, how many times do we go out into life and are surprised by a series of unforeseen events, when a woman is in control all the time, 24 hours a day she is exhausted, and that is what I invite you on this journey to relax, connect with yourself, get to know yourself, understand yourself, decipher yourself, here is no space for anxiety, for pressure, for trying to understand everything at once, let go because things naturally fall into place, when we are excessively in masculine energy, we also have difficulty receiving the things that come to us. I knew that?

Life brings us opportunities, gifts, situations, and we are not always ready to receive them, but life brings us exactly what we need, in our minds we try to label it, is this good? This is bad? Is this right? This is wrong? But here is an important key for you, everything that comes to you is a message, your symptom, your relationship, everything you have experienced. What is your body’s message?

When we are not receptive, feminine we are excessively armed, exhausted, that is why it is essential that we learn to receive, not just the things that people bring us, but the things that life brings us, we need to learn to receive kindness, help, praise, we need to learn to be receptive to receiving care, this is the time to reflect on your life and your story as a woman.

This is the time for you to disarm, let go of your armour and sword, let go of your body on the sofa, in the chair, in the bed, wherever you are here is not a place for anxiety, rush or trying to understand everything at once, leave it alone For life out there, here on this journey we will get in touch with what you truly feel, without judgement, but with the acceptance of a true mother of yourself, but here is also not a place just for comfort, where you will feel sorry of yourself here is a place of care, you will cleanse and give new meaning to your pains and wounds, but you will not be trapped in victimhood, you will act like an adult woman who takes care of herself, so whenever you find yourself too anxious about masculine energy up there or paralysed and feeling sorry for yourself with feminine energy on the rise, you are invited to get to know yourself to balance your polarities.